NeuroSense strives to make science, research and clinical development accessible to patients, family members, caregivers, and the scientific community. Therefore, we have created a blog that will touch upon different aspects of drug development, neurodegenerative diseases, research and development, science, biotech and business. Check this page regularly for informative and timely updates.
Kate Morgan & the NRSN team
“The feeling of successfully navigating the regulatory landscape and achieving drug approval is indescribable”
Kate Morgan & the NRSN team
“R&D companies like NeuroSense are doing the greatest thing any company can do. Financially, they are taking an enormous risk with a drive to change the world.“
Kate Morgan & the NRSN team
“If you haven’t experienced failure, you may not be aiming high enough.”
Kate Morgan & the NRSN team
“Plan ahead and tackle tasks early. Do things right the first time”
Kate Morgan & the NRSN team
“Seeing how an individual living with ALS could benefit so much from the technology I helped create, I was inspired to dedicate myself to finding a remedy for ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases”.
Kate Morgan & the NRSN team
“The most rewarding aspect of leading NeuroSense is hearing how we have improved people’s lives”
NeuroSense intern team
“Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.” — Lou Gehrig Yankee stadium retirement speech, July 4, 1939.
Avital Pushett
How are new medications created? How does an idea for a treatment lead to the development of a product? How do you choose the right target and optimal mechanisms of action?
Dr. Shiran Zimri
Motor neuron diseases (MNDs) are a debilitating subset of diseases causing progressive neuronal destruction and eventual loss of muscular function
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